
School District #8 has been on a destructive path: Trafalgar PAC

To the Editor:Over the past five months the Executive of the Trafalgar Middle School Parent Advisory Council (PAC) felt that School District #8 has been on a destructive path, both in terms of how it was working with parents and its use of flawed criteria for selecting which students would be denied an educational opportunity...

Getting gouged at the pump — Nelson style

To the Editor: It has been brought to my attention that gas prices have fallen 17 cents in the past three weeks, but not in Nelson. It has been reported by people at the "Mall" that seniors are tired of paying through the nose for gasoline in Nelson, when all other surrounding cities have much cheaper gas prices. Therefore ...

LETTER: Atamanenko replies to Yelich

Dear Editor: It is with interest that I read the comments of Minister Lynne Yelich in regard to my statement on the budget.  Rather than reiterate what I had originally said, I would like to make a few other comments.  It is certainly reassuring that Western Diversification will continue to provide effective programs.  However,...

Tarnished its image

To the Editor: We, the undersigned write to express our shock and revulsion following your publication on June 1st of an abhorrent caricature by notorious anti-Semitic cartoonist, Carlos Latuff. While we favour a broad marketplace of ideas, those which contribute to hatred against the Jewish people have no place in a publication...

There is no right to mountain bike in natural areas

To the Editor:Bicycles should not be allowed in any natural area. They are inanimate objects and have no rights. There is also no right to mountain bike. That was settled in federal court in 1994: http://home.pacbell.net/mjvande/mtb10. It's dishonest of mountain bikers to say that they don't have access to trails closed to ...

Greens weigh in on Nelson Landing

To the Editor,Open letter to Nelson City council regarding the Nelson Landing re-zoning and development proposal.Dear mayor and councilors,Nelson-Creston Greens, on behalf of our members and all citizens of Nelson and area, respectfully ask that council make sure that no toxic materials from the site will be released into the...

Premier needs to clean up casino mess immediately

To the Editor,During the week of Jan. 3, CBC Vancouver ran an exposé on organized crime laundering money in Vancouver area gambling casinos.  The allegations put forth in this exposé are very serious and probably true. They are another black stain on the record of the Gordon Campbell government. To help you better understand...

Our current MP doesn't even understand CETA

To the Editor, As most people will recall, the NDP sent out a cartoonish flyer last fall, which discussed the Canada-European Union: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, also known simply as CETA.  Since then, there has been much discussion about the issue and recently, our current MP has spent time criticizing both ...

Questions about the origin of the Jumbo proposal

To the Editor,Thanks for the recent article in The Nelson Daily. I am totally opposed to a ski resort in this area. Who wants it exactly? Developers? Government? I don't get it. Is it another way to get Albertans to spend oil money in BC?A year round ski resort makes no sense to me. People don't have enough of winter by April?...

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