You rock, Steve! Just don't take us into battle
Editor, The Nelson Daily I just watched P. M. Harper do his cold warrior toughest-man-on-the-block pose for the world's media. Here is a quote, more or less: "We know from History, that those who make it their historical mission to turn back the clock, as Mr. Putin has done, will ultimately fail." He added three fine adjectives...
Area taxpayer takes offence to RDCK accounting practices
Editor, The Nelson Daily The headline in a March 23, 2014 article appearing in The Nelson Daily is misleading (at best) and there is some seriously self-serving spin in the content and quotes attributed to Mr. (John) Kettle, Chair of the directors of the RDCK. I would know as I have attended not only the public input budget...
LETTER: An open letter to Mayor Taylor
This open letter to Mayor Brian Taylor was submitted by Grand Forks resident Julia Butler. Dear Mayor Taylor At the council meeting on March 10, I presented council with a letter from Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development stating, “I assure you that the Province of British Columbia does not...
LETTER: Local MP decries expiration of Canada Health Accord
Dear Minister, My constituents are very concerned about the future of health care in our country. They are asking the federal government to commit to a renewed Health Accord in 2014 and to work with the provinces and territories on health care innovation so Canadians can continue to receive the care they need. Health care ...
LETTER: Our Canada Post matters to everyone!
Dear Editor: Last night I attended an information meeting about the changes coming to Canada Post. I was very disappointed that only 31 people attended the meeting - six of those were the guest presenters - probably 10 members of the public and the rest were postal employees. Did you know that in December 2013 Canada Post...
LETTER: Reconsider leasing land agreements
Recently three prominent conservation organizations: Ducks Unlimited, Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation and the Nature Trust of B.C. were highly critical of the B.C. Liberal Government’s agenda of increasing grazing leases from 10 years to 20-25 years. The criticism was directed at range tenures that included the lands ...
'We can't eat oil'
Editor, The Nelson Daily ALR- Agricultural Land Reserve. I had never given much thought to the ALR. Honestly, I took it for granted because it's just common sense to protect the farmland which feeds us, period. The ALR town hall meeting in Nelson saw a room packed with people who care about food. Why? Because the BC government...
LETTER: Who’s Paying Attention to the WHO?
For years many people have wondered about the effects of electric and magnetic fields (EMF) on human health. More recently, these concerns have extended to radiofrequency (RF) exposure from wireless technologies like cordless phones, cell phones, cell phone towers, GPS devices, “smart” meters, and WiFi. In 2011, the WHO...
Chris Hedges delivers Friday at MIR Peace Center
Editor, The Nelson Daily: Congratulations to the MIR Peace Lecture series for bringing in Chris Hedges for his extraordinary talk last Friday, February 28th. Hedges covered a huge landscape of the world today in a little over an hour. He centered much of his message around the imagery of the novel Moby Dick. The author, Herman...
LETTER: Rethink water meters
Dear Editor, Water is of utmost significance to all of us. We are vulnerable if we don't have access to clean affordable water. So, water is worth thinking and talking about. Following are some points I wish to share for consideration: Control the water, and you control the people. Water is needed for survival. And, water...