
2010 hottest year on record for Canada

Reuters Canada had its warmest year on record in 2010, according to Environment Canada, with the biggest impact seen in the Arctic region. The national average temperature for the year was three degrees Celsius above normal, based on preliminary data, according to a report put on Environment Canada's website on Monday. That...

New survey of universe discoveries include exotic objects

Canadian astronomers are members of an international team unveiling the first results produced by the Planck Space Telescope. Twenty-five scientific papers have been produced in the first two years of operation of the European space observatory. Launched in 2009, the Planck Space Telescope has nearly completed three of its ...

BC Parks camping reservations open early for 100th

Camping fans can now start their warm weather vacation planning in the cold of winter with more reservable sites to choose from and a new, earlier opening date for the BC Parks Discover Camping reservation service. The virtual doors are now open to book reservations – available for the first time online – for all group campsites...

Grebe flies the skies of Pacific Coastal

Pacific Coastal Airlines (PCA) lent a helping hand (or is it wing?) to an bird in need of special care. Western Grebes are often spotted on the water around Nelson in the fall as they migrate from the prairies to the Coast. However, this starving young bird was found on the highway near Trail by Ernie Millin. “A young fellow...

Work being done to remedy low secondary completion rates says SD8 superintendent

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily Although admittedly a “disturbing” statistic, school district No. 8 has already taken action on remedying an alarming 74 per cent secondary school completion rate, says the Kootenay Lake superintendent. Jeff Jones said the school district is very concerned that such a low number of students...

An open letter to George Abbott

Note: On Nov. 25 George Abbott announced he was running for the leadership of the BC Liberal Party to replace Gordon Campbell when he steps down.To the Editor,Dear old Dear, Mr. Abbott.I'm afraid we in Nelson can't believe poor old George.He says he is well placed to understand the difficulties of rural British Columbians.He...

A new 4-H Club is starting up in the Kootenay region

The West Kootenay 4-H Community Club will get things kicked off for the 2011 year, starting in January, for youth of ages nine to19 years old who are interested in food and agriculture. Sonja Seher will be hosting an information session on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Selkirk College Castlegar Campus for anyone interested...

Clearing the confusion on the 'extinction' of the Sinixt

By David Aaron, special to The Nelson Daily There is much confusion about the so-called “extinction” of the Sinixt, which was declared by the Crown in 1956.  The extinction declaration corresponds to the Canadian government’s view that there ceased to be any living Sinixt individuals on the Indian Register maintained by the...

Logging stopped as Sinixt win injunction in court

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyA hotspot of environmental and political activity on Perry Ridge will now be cooled until the new year. The Sinixt Nation protest camp and blockade on Perry Ridge Forest Service Road will be dismantled after the aboriginal group was successful Monday afternoon in obtaining an injunction...

Jet-setting hockey players aim to slash emissions

By Jonathan Spicer, Reuters With 30 teams crisscrossing North America throughout the 82-game season, the National Hockey League takes its toll on the environment. That's 750 players, along with their trainers, coaches and equipment, packed into fuel-burning aircraft from October until the Stanley Cup is finally awarded in...

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