The challenges between second and third wave feminism
The challenges between second and third wave feminism @ the Women’s Centre, 420 Mill St, Nelson Tuesday, Feb. 22, 6–8 p.m. Second and third wave feminism, what is it? When was the first wave? What are the challenges between second and third wave feminism: Agreements?; disagreements? What does this have to do with me? The ...
New incapacity legislation coming this September
Legislation giving adults more options when making their own plans in the event of incapacity comes into force Sept. 1. Incapacity (or personal) planning provisions are part of the Adult Guardianship and Planning Statutes Amendment Act, 2007. The act will be phased in, with other changes such as those related to adult abuse...
Kids learn cold science with Winder Wonder
Tumbling down snow banks is nothing new for kids, but learning about the science of snow puts a whole new spin on it for them in Winter Wonder. Elementary school students will be taking ecology classes in the snow during Wildsight’s Winter Wonder trips in Nelson this month. Winter Wonder is an environmental education program...
Ice cores yield rich history of climate change
By Editor, Science Daily On Friday, Jan. 28 in Antarctica, a research team investigating the last 100,000 years of Earth's climate history reached an important milestone completing the main ice core to a depth of 3,331 meters (10,928 feet) at West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide (WAIS). The project will be completed over the next...
Deep below Antarctic ice, world’s third largest lake discovered
Richard Harris, National Public Radio Russian scientists are on the verge of punching a hole into a vast Antarctic lake that's buried under more than two miles of ice. If the Russians break through, they may tap into and disturb a primitive and pristine ecosystem that has been untouched for millions of years. Lake Vostok is...
BC Hydro enhances program for small-scale power projects
By Simi Heer BC Hydro's Standing Offer Program has received a facelift. Changes to the program will help to increase the mix of B.C.'s supply of clean, renewable energy. First introduced in 2008, the program encourages the development of small, clean energy projects and offers small energy producers a simple process to sell...
Greenpeace Canada ranks canned tuna brands
The Canadian Press Greenpeace Canada says a survey of 14 major tuna fish brands sold in the country suggests most of them come from destructive fishery practices. A report by the environmental organization gives a passing grade to only two brands — Wild Planet Foods and Raincoast Trading — because they use more selective...
Water Act changes could place BC resource on market: Maxey
By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyWater as a commodity may be the result of the moves the Province is making as they finished the second round of the Water Act modernization public consultation period, says one regional district alternate director. Nelle Maxey of Regional District of Central Kootenay Area H said the recent...
Aquatic invasive plants a risk to Slocan, Kootenay lakes
There is a species of aquatic invasive plant that may be putting Slocan Lake and Kootenay Lake’s ecosystem at risk.The plant in question is didymo (didymosphenia geminate), also known as ‘rock snot,’ an invasive freshwater algae that has recently been discovered in the area. Once established, didymo can form a thick, brown,...
Warm summers shown to slow down glaciers
Hotter summers may not be such a disaster for the Greenland ice sheet after all, if the latest research is anything to go by.Scientists have found that Greenland glaciers flow slower in warmer summers than they do during cooler ones.Although this seems counter-intuitive, the researchers explain that during cooler summers, a...