
Suspected measles outbreak in Revelstoke

Interior Health is taking steps to alert the public about a suspected outbreak of measles in the Revelstoke area. Three probable cases and one confirmed case of measles have been reported in the Revelstoke area, the Interior Health Authority confirmed Tuesday.All cases are believed to have contracted the virus in the Revelstoke...

Comment: CT scanner will only operate limited hours

By Glyn HumphriesWhen Zeno Cescon, IHA’s regional director for diagnostic imaging services, announced the CT scanner would only run on a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. basis for the first year in the renovated emergency room at Kootenay Lake Hospital (KLH), many people were concerned. In effect, the scanner would only be available for...

CT scanner savings and opportunities at KLH

Although $1.5 million was raised by the CT scanner fundraising campaign, the Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation expects to spend only $1.1 million of it to bring the new equipment to the hospital. Foundation director Brian May confirmed a “unique opportunity” has presented itself as final preparations are being made to complete...

Local students and movie productions make their mark on the maternity ward

Many local students — whether seven years old and attending Rosemont Elementary, or 17 years old and graduating from L.V. Rogers High School — first greeted the world at Kootenay Lake Hospital. This winter they are pulling together to give something back. Students from the two schools will raise funds to help buy a new infant...

Wages, worldwide technologist shortages contribute to suspended KLH service

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyWages offered by public health care and a worldwide shortage of ultrasound technologists has the local health district wondering how they will fill the three openings in the Kootenay Lake Hospital echocardiography service. Thalia Vestereack, director of diagnostic imaging for Interior Health...

New Kootenay Lake Hospital first floor taking shape

The major structural work is done on the new emergency room space and the CT scanner suite is almost complete as the Kootenay lake Hospital project switches from concept to reality.Yellowridge Construction Ltd. crews and contractors are finishing the metal framing that will form the backbone of the new patient spaces of the...

Temporary changes to the Nelson echocardiography service

Staff vacancies and an inability of the IHA to fill the positions have forced Kootenay Lake Hospital into a situation where they are unable to provide regular echocardiography (heart ultrasound) services, the health authority announced Friday.The Interior Health Authority said in a release that “staff leaves combined with...

Director says IHA 'blackmailing' hospital board

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyIn a move he characterized as “blackmail,” one regional district director said Interior Health Authority is using a points system for prioritizing capital projects to force hospital boards to fund up to 90 per cent of their cost, far above the legal limit. Regional District of Central...

Pilot program to explore weekend meat inspection

A pilot program will look at the viability of establishing weekend meat slaughter inspection in the North Okanagan.Okanagan Poultry Producers is a mobile processing facility that works with up to 60 smaller-scale farmers from all across the North and Central Okanagan, and the Columbia Shuswap and Grand Forks region to slaughter...

Temporary ER service changes at health centre in Kaslo

Due to limited physician availability, Kaslo and area residents are advised physician services at the Victorian Community Health Centre Emergency Department will be limited in the evenings from Dec. 25, 2010 to Jan. 9, 2011. The Emergency Department will remain open, however, between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. The on-call physician ...

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