
Ontario courts strike down marijuana law

Ontario is one step closer to the legalization of marijuana after the Ontario Superior Court struck down two key parts of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act that prohibit the possession and production of pot. The court declared the rules that govern medical marijuana access and the prohibitions laid out in Sections 4 and...

Foundation Wall of Honour takes advantage of new technology

The hundreds of people who contributed to the Kootenay Lake Hospital Foundation’s campaign are now getting their just due — and it is a touch of technology that will grant them that.This past week the Hospital Foundation unveiled a new Wall of Honour to greet people on arrival at Kootenay Lake Hospital, using a large touchscreen...

Getting the skinny on aphrodisiacs

By Andy Soos, ENN An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire. The name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexuality and love. Throughout history, many foods, drinks, and behaviors have had a reputation for making sex more attainable and/or pleasurable. However, from a historical and scientific standpoint,...

Help for patients with complex chronic diseases

A $2-million provincial clinical and research study will help patients with a variety of complex chronic diseases, such as chronic Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome, with screening, diagnosis and treatment. There is a variety of debilitating complex chronic diseases where the cause is unknown, but where...

New HIV cases drop among those who use injection drugs

New cases of HIV among people who use drugs by injection (IDU) in BC continue to decline. According to a new report released Thursday by the provincial health officer, entitled Decreasing HIV Infections Among People Who Use Drugs by Injection in BC, there are a number of factors that contributed to the decrease in new HIV...

Nothing to fear from radiation in BC

Although small levels of radiation from Japan that have made their way over to the west coast of North America, there are no health risks to British Columbians due to radiation from the Japanese nuclear power plant, says the province’s health officer. Dr. Perry Kendall said Wednesday people do not need to worry about any...

20 years of permaculture in the Kootenays

This spring, Kootenay Permaculture is celebrating 20 years of Permaculture in the Kootenays and across Canada. An Introduction to Permaculture workshop is offered at the Silver King Campus in Nelson, March 12-13 (Participants also have the option to attend just the first day, Saturday, March 12th). During the workshop the...

New home on Baker Street secured for Wednesday market

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson DailyThe Wednesday market in the downtown core has found a new home, this time returning to the scene where they have had a measure of success. City council approved the return of the well traveled market to the 400 block of Baker Street, after a failed attempt in the parking lot of the Nelson...

Psychologist urges drivers to plan ahead for Daylight Savings Time

As people prepare to spring forward one hour on Saturday, keep the effect of the time change in mind and adjust your life, and driving, accordingly, cautions one psychologist. "Studies show that the switch into Daylight Savings Time can have a dramatic effect on disrupting our regular sleep cycle," said Dr. John Vavrik, a...

Response Team for high acuity patients goes live in East Kootenay

Higher levels of health care are now available to rural and remote residents in the East Kootenay.A High Acuity Response Team (HART) consisting of five highly-trained critical care nurses was launched in the East Kootenay Wednesday.In addition to the nurses, the East Kootenay team consists of a BC Ambulance Service (BCAS)...

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