Kootenay Region team receives national Cancer Society award
A team of diverse partners in the Kootenay region taking action to reduce the cosmetic use of pesticides has been recognized with a prestigious national award from the Canadian Cancer Society. The award, called the Circle of Distinction, recognizes team effort between Canadian Cancer Society volunteers and staff and their ...
UBCM weighs in on controversial 'Smart Meters'
Serious disagreement continues between the BC electric utility companies and thousands of private homeowners who refuse the forced installation of Wireless Smart Meters on their homes without consent. Customers want the Utilities to listen to their valid concerns before pressing ahead with this program.Questions of conflict...
Don't stop now!
Fall is just around the corner. The bright, relaxing, sunny veil of summer is lifting away and real life responsibilities become clearer and clearer right before our eyes. This is the time when most of us have thoughts like..."Damn, no more vacation time. I didn't do anything this summer...""Sh!t. School starts in three...
New drug may treat virtually all viral infections
In a recently published article in the journal PLoS One, researchers at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory claim to have developed a new drug that has the potential to cure nearly all types of viral infections ranging from the common cold to highly deadly hemorrhagic fevers.The new drug, known as DRACO (double-stranded RNA activated ...
Why the BC Liberal government doesn't value your life
There are many instances I've come across in the past number of years which suggest to me the Campbell/Clark Government places no real value on the lives of its citizens - this despite Premier Clark's "families first" motto. That's a bold claim, I know - which is why I'm going to state my case here, drawing on several specific...
Dr. Brenda Gill: Environmental toxic exposure (Part two)
By Dr. Brenda GillThe last article gave you a questionnaire to help determine if environmental toxins should be considered in your case. This article will discuss what kinds of symptoms are typical for someone with a toxic overload and some of the solutions. These are some of the “red flags” I look for with an environmental...
ATAMANENKO: Genetically Engineered Salmon, not worth the risk to health or the environment
Aquabounty Technologies (AT), headquartered in the US, has genetically modified (GM) a faster growing Atlantic salmon by inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from the eel-like ocean pout. The company’s business plan is to produce genetically modified salmon eggs in Prince Edward Island...
Water goes turbid as quality advisory drops for city residents
Turbidity — and the risk of gastrointestinal illness — has risen in the water supply lines feeding Nelson homes, prompting a water quality advisory to be issued by the City and the IHA.Heavy spring rains and a high snow melt have resulted in increased turbidity or cloudiness, recent testing has shown. “Current water qualities...
Downtown market adds a wrinkle and a circle
The weekday mix of local produce, plants, prepared foods, crafts, and art is back.The West Kootenay EcoSociety will open the Downtown Nelson Local Market on Wednesday, June 15 in the 400 block of Baker St. for the second year. The market will run each Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. through the end of September with the ...
Dealing with spring sensitivities
This is the time of year where we are exposed to increased dust and moulds as the snow melts away. Some of you may experience symptoms of increased sneezing, nasal or sinus congestion, usually worse in the morning, irritated eyes, increased post-nasal drip and subsequent sore or irritated throat or some combination of these. ...