Selkirk College’s Orange Shirt Day Design Carries Profound Meaning
A design deep in symbolism that’s aimed at fostering better understanding for everyone is featured on Selkirk College’s special edition Orange Shirt Day t-shirt. In 2013, Phyllis (Jack) Webstad began telling the story of her first day at residential school near Williams Lake when her brilliant new orange shirt, bought by her grandmother, was taken […]
Op/Ed: Cash-strapped ministry cannibalizing programs for wildlife, staff head for the exit
New Ministry of Wildlife, Land and Resource Management is cannibalizing fish, wildlife and habitat funds, regional operations are in crisis said B.C. Wildlife Federation. Government cuts travel funding for fish and wildlife staff Field staff asked to turn in their government cell phones to cut costs Regional office decimated by frustrated staff quitting or on […]
Nelson Police alerts public of computer scam following complaint to department
Nelson Police want to alert the public of a computer scam following a complaint to the department Thursday, September 19th. Nelson Police said in a media release the individual came shared a threatening email they had received from an anonymous sender. “The sender claimed to have installed malware on their devices via an insecure weblink […]
Category 2 open burn prohibition rescinded in Southeast Fire Centre
Effective at 12:00 noon Pacific Time on Thursday, September 19, 2024, the Category 2 open burning prohibition will be rescinded throughout the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction. Due to decreased wildfire risk, the following activities will once again be permitted throughout the Southeast Fire Centre: One to two concurrently burning piles no larger than two metres […]
City of Nelson earns high marks from Community Energy Association
The City of Nelson was recognized as one of the major award winners by the Community Energy Association. The CEA presented Nelson Mayor Janice Morrison and councillors with the 2024 Climate & Energy Action Award for its “Low Carbon Homes Pilot.” The award was presented Wednesday by Megan Lohmann, the CEO of the Community Energy […]
Online petition started in opposition to Hallō Nelson project
Local opposition to the Hallō Nelson project continues to grow as an online petition gathers names of those looking to prevent the multi-million dollar project from taking shape in the Heritage city. Called HellNō Hallō, stop the Hallō Nelson development — housing for all, not for the few — located through — people who […]
Curtain rises on funding for theatre society
The latest act has been written for the Nelson Civic Theatre Society as a one-time grant of $150,000 has been scripted for them while the facility is closed due to a roof repair at the Civic Centre. The Society requested a one-time grant of $150,000 in July from the City to support their operations through […]
Province launches secure care for people with brain injury, mental illness, severe addiction
The Province is taking action to make sure people with long-term concurrent mental-health and addiction challenges get secure and dignified care by opening highly secure facilities for people under the Mental Health Act throughout the province, as well as secure treatment within BC Corrections. The first correctional centre will be at the Surrey Pretrial Services […]
BC Wildfire Service conducts prescribed burn in Kokanee Creek area
To help reduce the risk of wildfires, the BC Wildfire Service is supporting BC Timber Sales in conducting a prescribed burn in the Kokanee Creek area. This burn is located approximately 19.8 kilometres northeast of Nelson and will cover up to 20.4 hectares. The exact timing of this burn will depend on weather and site […]
Pay it forward: City contemplates charging Province for social street issue costs
The City has a $145,000 hole in its budget. Temporary shelters that were set up in front of City Hall — beginning earlier this year in March — have amounted to a $145,139 cost to municipal government, and the bill is going to be sent to the Province. City council deferred a motion until its […]