
Clean, Drain, Dry will help prevent the spread of zebra mussels into the Kootenays

Clean. Drain. Dry. These simple steps will prevent zebra mussels and other aquatic invasive species from spreading into the waterways of the Kootenays. Aquatic invasive species, such as zebra mussels, Eurasian water-milfoil and New Zealand mudsnails have devastating impacts where they are introduced. They can ruin fishing and...

LVR Valedictorian Mikaiya Austin — Opportunities for success in this room are endless

The Class of 2012 at L.V. Rogers culminated their high school career this past weekend with graduation ceremonies. During the Cap and Gown Friday at the NDCC Arena, LVR Valedictorian Mikaiya Austin spoke on behalf of the grads. Here is a copy of her address to the sellout crowd.   To begin my speech this evening, I would like...

A little rain never bothers a graduating class at L.V. Rogers

It must have been grad weekend at L.V. Rogers High School. Why do you ask? It rained. Almost true to form, every year the graduating class at LVR fights the weather conditions to celebrate their completion of school. The 2012 class was no exception. Although this class was well prepared with umbrellas of all sizes as the grad...

Education Briefs: Kootenay Lake School District developing ways to save teaching resources

After receiving numerous letters and comments of concern over the closure of the two District Resource Centers in Creston and Nelson, the Kootenay Lake School District Board of Education will be trying to keep those resources available to teachers. "We are in the middle of developing processes to keep the resources for teachers...

Selkirk College successfully opens the Aboriginal Gathering Place in Castlegar

In June of 2010 Selkirk College marked the beginning of construction on their Castlegar campus Aboriginal Gathering Place with a ceremonial blessing and ground breaking. On May 24, 2012 they celebrated the official opening of the facility with over 100 invited guests in attendance. “The Gathering Place project was initiated...

Mistakes of the past finally corrected says Nelson/Creston MLA

Nelson/Creston MLA Michelle Mungall is pleased to see the B.C. government finally awarding degrees to 75 Japanese-Canadian UBC students denied degrees because they were interned during the Second World War. One of the recipients is 93-year-old Fred Sasaki of Kaslo “Separated from his family, Fred was forced out of UBC. The ...

Quebec students march on 100-day anniversary

Huffington Post Tens of thousands of students marched through the streets of Montreal on Tuesday to mark 100 days since the movement against higher tuition fees began. The protest comes after Quebec's provincial government passed emergency legislation to end Canada's most sustained student demonstrations ever. Protesters...

Kootenay Lake School District No. 8 passes 2012-13 budget that includes cuts to teachers

The Kootenay Lake School District Board passed its annual budget Tuesday for the 2012-13 year and it’s not good news for teachers. Topping the list is the reduction of 19 full-time-equivalent teaching positions and closing of both District Resource Centre in Creston and Nelson. “Part of the reason (for the cuts) is the changing...

Selkirk College supports local KAST winner

On April 14, 2012,  82 young scientists participated in the West Kootenay and Boundary Regional Science Fair. The 2012 event involved the largest number of senior students than in previous years. Selkirk College Integrated Environmental Planning Technology Instructor, Rob Macrae, did not expect to be involved but when he was...

BCPSEA declares teachers's recent withdrawal an unlawful strike

The B.C. Public School Employers' Association (BCPSEA) applied to the B.C. Labour Relations Board (BCLRB) Wednesday, May 9 for relief from the recent B.C. Teachers's Federation (BCTF) withdrawal of extracurricular activities. The labour relations board is expected to meet with BCPSEA at or around 9:30 a.m. on Friday, May 11...

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