Taiko drumming group Yamabiko Taiko performing at Capitol Theatre
The taiko drumming group Yamabiko Taiko will be performing at the Capitol Theatre Saturday, September 28th at 7 p.m. The performance is organized by the Nelson Izu-shi Friendship Society, with a generous donation from The Japanese Canadian Legacies Society, which oversees the distribution of funding meant to redress the historical wrongs suffered by Canadians of Japanese […]
Local author launches ‘race to space’ novel at the Nelson Library
Not all historical novelists give their characters what they long for. But author Brian d’Eon is willing to tweak history just enough to give his protagonist, German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, his dream of journeying to the moon with the Apollo space program. d’Eon is launching his recently published, mostly historical novel Lunatics at […]
Upcoming Changes to Fare Product Sales for West Kootenay Transit
BC Transit launched Umo in the West Kootenay Transit System in June 2024, introducing the Umo Mobility app, reloadable Umo cards, and improved fare products. Umo was implemented in the West Kootenay Transit System as part of a 30-transit system deployment schedule spanning the province. With this significant milestone completed, the organization is ready to […]
Special Olympics BC Nelson hosts Registration Day
Special Olympics BC Nelson offers summer and winter sports, youth programs, and health and fitness programs. Many athletes start in one sport, then go on to try others. Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 Sport Programs include but not limited to, swimming, bowling, floor hockey, and alpine skiing. In person registration for athletes will be held September 29, 2024 at the […]
Taghum Hall’s September events find new ways to bring folks together
As summer turns to fall, Taghum Hall beckons folks to gather ’round for events that help us celebrate ourselves and each other, with some interesting opportunities to share and learn. Taghum Hall Youth Presents series announces a casting call on Wednesday, September 11 at 3:30 p.m. for participation in this year’s Harvest Festival play, which […]
Come join Nelson Fresh Tracks Toastmasters
Toastmasters, is a not for profit, educational organization that has been helping people become more comfortable with communication and leadership for 100 years. Nelson Fresh Track Toastmasters has been a chartered member of the larger organization for nearly 30 years. In 2025 this club will have been in the Nelson community for 30 years, holding meetings, […]
Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society hit the shores for summer cleanup on West arm of Kootenay Lake
The rain ended just in time for over 25 people to hit the shores of the West arm of Kootenay Lake on Tuesday, Aug 27th for the first lakeshore clean-up that the Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society (FOKL) has hosted all summer. The Society had been on a hiatus for a few months while […]
St. Saviour's Food Pantry celebrates Nelson Pride
Nelson Pride celebrations were happening all over the city during the past week, including a barbecue and special cake for clients at St. Saviour’s Food Pantry. The celebration took place during the morning, allowing clients a special time before venturing out for the rest of the day. St. Saviour’s Food Pantry, located at St. Saviour’s […]
Forty Words for Yes at The Graine
Forty Words for Yes, a 40-part choral work written by Doug Jamieson and recorded last year, will be presented on Sunday, September 1, 2024, at The Graine, thanks to a Neighbourhood Small Grant from the Osprey Foundation. Forty Words for Yes was first premiered in June 2023. A total of eight speaker stands in a […]
West Kootenay authors to read at Slocan Legion in September
Many people find home in BC’s West Kootenay, but their routes to the region can differ greatly. Ross Klatte and Tom Wayman, the authors respectively of two recent books on finding home in the Kootenays — a novel and a memoir — will read from and discuss their work September 18 at 7 pm at […]