UPDATED: Goosmus Fire grows to 1500 plus acres
Washington State Fire Information updated the state of the Goosmus Fire, along the USA/Canada border south of Grand Forks Thursday.
The Fire Information media release, posted on BC Wildfire Service social media, said the fire is estimated at 1500 plus acres.
“Fire progression slowed overnight with rainfall (Wednesday) evening and relative humidity recovery,” the media release said.
“Fire behaviour is anticipated to become increasingly active throughout (Thursday).’
Washington State Fire Information said aerial resources — helicopters along with the possibility of aerial retardant will be working on the fire for most of Thursday with additional crews of engine strike teams arriving later in the day.
A Type 3 incident management team is expected to assume command Thursday with the Incident Command Center located at the Republic Fairgrounds.
Previous Story:
RDKB rescinds Evacuation Order to Alert
The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, under the advice by the BC Wildfire Service, has has been advised that the potential threat of Wildfire in Electoral Area D/ Grand Forks area has diminished at this time.
The downgrading of the potential threat from the has allowed the Evacuation Order, pursuant to Section 10(1)(h) of the Emergency Program Act, for the properties described in the attached maps and address lists, to be rescinded to an EVACUATION ALERT.
Residents are asked to register for the RDKB Emergency Alerting System – Voyent Alert – on the RDKB’s emergency website https://emergency.rdkb.com/
Previous Story:
Wildfire south of Grand Forks sparks RDKB to activate Evacuation Order
The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) has been activated to a level 3 due to the Goosmus Wildfire south of Danville in Washington State.
The RDCB said fire is moving north toward the US/Canada border.
“Ember showers are occurring the Sleepy Hollow area of RDKB Electoral Area D/Rural Grand Forks,” the RDKB media release said.
“Tactical evacuations are currently in progress along Highway 3, as well as west of Highway 41, south of Highway 3, and along the west side of Highway 3 from Sleepy Hollow Road to Phoenix Road.”
The BC Wildfire Service said there are currently deploying crews and structure protection resources to the Grand Forks area in advance of the Goosmus wildfire.
The BC Wildfire Service said the wildfire was discovered in the United States on Wednesday (September 25) and is estimated to be 200 hectares in size with current weather conditions are pushing this wildfire north towards the Canadian border.
“This fire is highly visible to the City of Grand Forks and surrounding areas,” the BC Wildfire Service said.
“Washington State has crews, heavy equipment and air support en route. We are mobilizing unit crews to the area to support the regional fire departments.”
“We are working with local government partners to protect public safety,” the BC Wildfire Service said.
The RDKB said Red Cross emergency support services will be opening a reception centre at the Jack Goddard Arena in Grand Forks.
“This is a very fast moving and developing situation,” says Mark Stephens, EOC Director. “We ask everyone to stay vigilant and to keep checking the RDKB website for information.”
Evacuated residents are to stay in their vehicles until the reception centre is opened, likely within the hour.
Anyone on evacuation alert can pre-register online for emergency support services at https://ess.gov.bc.ca/.
Residents are asked to register for the RDKB Emergency Alerting System – Voyent Alert – on the RDKB’s emergency website https://emergency.rdkb.com/

The RDKB map shows the areas that have been rescinded to an Evacuation Alert. — RDKB image