Three large interpretive signs now on display to highlight Return of the Kokanee Salmon Project

By Contributor
September 15th, 2024

Thanks to a generous grant of $399,000 from the Province of British Columbia under its Destination Development Fund, the Creston Valley Rod & Gun Club is well into its’ two-year project to replenish depleted stocks of Kokanee salmon in Kootenay Lake.

To mark the next step in The Return of the Kokanee Project, three large interpretive signs have been installed at the ferry terminals on Kootenay Lake.

To celebrate this milestone there was a recent unveiling at the Balfour Ferry Landing.

Featuring colorful artwork by Lower Kootenay Band member, Carol Louie, the signs describe the story of Kokanee salmon in Kootenay Lake and their importance to the Lower Kootenay Band. Also depicted is the collapse of the Kokanee salmon population and the many groups involved in the current recovery.

“The project is a great example of how groups working together and sharing knowledge have helped contribute to the return of Kokanee salmon in Kootenay Lake,” said Band Councilor, Robin Louie.

“Projects like the Return of the Kokanee Salmon help to support sustainable tourism practices and strengthen a year-round visitor economy,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport.

“Our government is proud to support the tourism sector and visitor experience by enhancing tourism infrastructure throughout the province. We’re excited for the return of the Giants of Gerrard to Kootenay Lake and the impact on future generations of residents and visitors.”

Established in 1919, the Creston Valley Rod & Gun Club is an active sporting association with over 500 members based in the Creston Valley. The members are committed, now, and for future generations, to the proper management, nurturing, and responsible use of the fish and wildlife resources in our beautiful valley.

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