Nelson Police investigate rental scam

The Nelson Daily Staff
By The Nelson Daily Staff
September 1st, 2024

Nelson Police said in a media release that officers have opened an investigation into a rental scam reported to the department on Monday, August 26th.

Nelson Police said the individual had been searching for rentals online, and sent a deposit of $600 by e-transfer to secure a unit.

However, when the supposed landlord asked for an additional $700, they realized that they were being defrauded and ceased contact.

“This type of scam is unfortunately very common,” Nelson Police said.

“Beware of listings that seem too good to be true or people who demand immediate payment.

“Verify that the address of the rental is real. If possible, get a tour of the property either in person or by video call before sending any payment. If something seems suspicious, contact police.”

During the past week — August 25th, 2024, at 12 a.m. to August 31st, 2024, at 12 p.m. — Nelson Police responded to 146 calls for service in the City of Nelson.

Some of the calls included:

Arrest for Weapons Possession

Nelson Police said that on Tuesday, August 27, at 4:13 a.m., officers  responded to multiple calls reporting a male threatening another individual with a knife.

“When they arrived on scene, they located the victim, who said that the man had threatened her with a knife and refused to let her leave,” Nelson Police said.

“As she attempted to leave the scene on her bicycle, the suspect ran out of a nearby business and began chasing her.”

Nelson Police said that officers pursued on foot, and were able to swiftly take him into custody.

The suspect was remanded for a bail hearing as he is considered to pose a public danger.

48 Bottles of Beer Off the Wall

Nelson Police said on Tuesday, August 27, dispatch received a report of the break and enter that happened earlier in the week.

Nelson Police said that an unknown male suspect pried open the door of a local restaurant and entered shortly before midnight.

“He brought with him an empty shopping basket, which he loaded up with 48 cans of beer before making his exit,” Nelson Police said.

Nelson Police said that the restaurant was able to provide video of the break-in, which is still under investigation.

Categories: CrimeGeneral

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