Nelson Police alerts public of computer scam following complaint to department

The Nelson Daily Staff
By The Nelson Daily Staff
September 22nd, 2024

Nelson Police want to alert the public of a computer scam following a complaint to the department Thursday, September 19th.

Nelson Police said in a media release the individual came shared a threatening email they had received from an anonymous sender.

“The sender claimed to have installed malware on their devices via an insecure weblink which allowed them to access everything stored on them, as well as record video from inside their house through the computers webcam,” Nelson Police said.

“They demanded $2,000 be sent in bitcoin or else they would send sensitive information and pictures to all of the victim’s contacts.”

Nelson Police said this type of scam is common, can be very alarming and often follows a script that could apply to most people.

However, Nelson Police said, the scam can still comes across as personal — making vague threats or suggestions scammers know something of allowing members of the public to fill in the blanks.

“Superficial personal information, much of which can be found online with a little searching, adds legitimacy to the scam,” Nelson Police said.

“It does not necessarily mean that your devices or accounts have been compromised. It is a good idea to review privacy settings on your social media accounts to make sure you aren’t sharing more information that you would like.”

Nelson Police said anyone receiving threatening or extortion-like communication, should not respond.

Instea, Nelson Police said, the individual should save photos of all communication and block the sender.

“If you are unsure about something, show someone else or report it to police,” Nelson Police said.

“Scammers rely on their victims feeling frightened, alone, and not having time to think a decision through.”

“Never send money to people you don’t know,” Nelson Police adds.

“Once money has been sent by bitcoin or other encrypted currency, it is impossible to trace or get back.”

Nelson Police said fraud is the most common crime in Canada today.

For more information on types of scams and protection contact the Nelson Police Department.

Late Evening Pedestrian Collision on Front Street

Nelson Police said that on Friday, September 20th, at around 10 p.m., several 911 calls came in reporting a collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian on Front Street.

Nelson Police said when officers arrived on scene the driver and pedestrian both stopped, with several bystanders watching and administering first-aid.

“Witness statements indicated that the driver had a green light and the pedestrian walked into the road in front of them before they had time to see them or brake,” Nelson Police said.

“The pedestrian was taken to hospital and later discharged with no major injuries.”

Nelson Police said the department would like to thank the members of the public who quickly called emergency services and stepped up to help.

Skunk finds way inside bolted garbage can on Baker Street

Nelson Police said that on Friday September 20th, at 2:55 a.m., an anonymous caller reported that a skunk was trapped inside of the garbage can on Ward and Baker Street.

Nelson Police said attending officers arrived to discover that there was indeed a skunk inside.

Nelson Police said it is unknown how it came to be trapped, as the can is bolted to the sidewalk and can’t be tipped over.

Nelson Police said said officers placed several large sticks in the bin at an angle and eventually the skunk was able to use them to climb out — still wearing black and white stripes, but an inmate no more.

Nelson Police said between September 15th at 12 a.m. to September 21st at 12 p.m. members responded to 138 calls for service in the City of Nelson.

Categories: CrimeGeneral

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