Elkford fisherman earns $100 reward as part of Kootenay Lake Rainbow Trout and Bull Trout Tagging Program
Nelson native Brian Haukaas, who now lives in Elkford, had the surprise of his life while fishing recently on Kootenay Lake near Woodbury Creek.
The recent catch by Haukaas earned the East Kootenay resident a $100 reward as part of the Freshwater Fisheries Society of B.C. research project — Kootenay Lake Rainbow Trout and Bull Trout Tagging Program.
Sixty Kootenay Lake rainbow trout and bull trout have been numbered with plastic orange ‘spaghetti’ tags bearing the words: “$100 REWARD”.
Haukaas also earned an additional $10 from his catch as the fish included green spaghetti tag.
Anyone lucky to catch a tagged rainbow trout or bull trout, whether the fish is released or harvested, should clip off the tag(s) with scissors, side cutters or knife, and record the date, and location of capture.
Reward tag(s) should be submitted by either in person or by mail to: Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, 401-333 Victoria Street, Nelson, B.C., V1L 4K3, 250-354-6333
All tag information is central to the success of this study.

The winning fish was caught on Kootenay Lake near Woodbury Resort and Marina.