Fatal accident involving truck and semi-trailer closes Highway 6 south of Nakusp

The Nelson Daily Staff
By The Nelson Daily Staff
July 8th, 2024

RCMP said a passenger truck, travelling with four occupants from Nelson, was involved in a fatal accident on Highway 6 north of Hills Friday afternoon.

Slocan Lake RCMP responded at approximately 5:50 p.m on Friday, July 5 to a report of a collision north of Hills and south of Crown Road in Hills, according to Cpl. James Grandy.

Cpl. Grandy said the collision involved a passenger truck and a semi-trailer and according to initial reports, the truck collided with the semi-trailer.

Cpl. Grandy said tragically, the four occupants of the truck, all from Nelson, did not survive the collision.

“RCMP offer their condolences to the family and thank the witnesses for their assistance at the scene,” 

Cpl. Grandy said emergency responders worked to extinguish the flames, but the truck and its trailer were destroyed by the fire.

“Witnesses at the scene managed to rescue the driver of the semi-truck, which had overturned due to the collision, scattering its 100,000-pound load of timber across the highway and completely blocking both lanes.”

Hills is small community located 30 kilometres south of Nakusp and 115 km north of Nelson.

RCMP said the highway was closed for 11 hours to facilitate the investigation and clearing of the debris.

“Investigation so far indicates the passenger truck crossed the center line,” Grandy added.

“The driver of the semi-truck attempted to avoid a collision, but his B-trailer hit the ditch, causing the semi to flip and its load to collide with the passenger truck.”

The driver of the semi-truck was taken to the hospital and found to have sustained minor injuries.

Both the BC Coroners Service and the Slocan Lake RCMP continue to investigate.

Categories: CrimeGeneral

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