Traffic stops near Rock Creek leads to contraband tobacco seizure — RCMP

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
June 3rd, 2024

A routine traffic stop netted police illicit tobacco and a large amount of currency RCMP said Monday in a media release.

The traffic stop by Midway RCMP officer, to check for valid driver’s license and registration, happened near Rock Creek on Highway 3, Saturday, June 1, 2024.

RCMP said during the interaction with the driver, the officer noticed tobacco was missing the required tax stamp on its packaging which is required by law.

RCMP said the driver and passenger were subsequently arrested under the Excise Act with the search of the vehicle yielding approximately $42,000 worth of illicit tobacco, and a large quantity of Canadian currency.

“The proactive work carried out by this officer highlights the commitment our officers have to keeping our roads and communities safe,” says Cpl. James Grandy, BC RCMP spokesperson.

RCMP said the driver and passenger, both from Armstrong, BC, face charges under the Excise Act, along with an additional charge relating to possession of a prohibited weapon.

Residents in all areas of the province are encouraged to contact their local police to report any suspicion of illegal activities in their communities.

Categories: CrimeGeneral

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