BC SPCA puts the 'fun' in fundraiser with Lock-In for Love

By Contributor
June 4th, 2024

The BC SPCA’s Lock-in for Love puts the “fun” in fundraiser and it all starts right from your phone or keyboard.

This one-of-a-kind event runs from June 5 through 22. Caring participants not only raise funds that will help change the lives of animals in local communities across B.C., but they also get the opportunity to be “locked-in” for a special, one-on-one cuddle session with an animal currently receiving care.
“For animal lovers, Lock-In for Love gives them two ways to do good,” says Alina Wilson, senior officer, digital giving.

“You raise money to help support the vulnerable animals in the BC SPCA’s care and you also spend quality time with adoptable animals in your community who are looking for their forever homes – who can resist an hour-long puppy cuddle?”

For fundraiser Kristin and her dog Emmy-Lou, Lock-In for Love is a fun way to raise awareness of animal welfare and raise funds for where it is needed most.

“Not everyone can adopt a pet,” she says, “but they may be able to spare a few dollars to help them or start a fundraiser of their own.”   

 The BC SPCA hopes to raise $275,000 for critical programs in communities across the province.

Funds will support where the need is greatest, from the BC SPCA’s emergency response efforts through the wildfire season to the large number of animal intakes the BC SPCA continues to see because of irresponsible breeders. Participants can also choose to dedicate their funds to their local community animal centre. 

“It takes just a moment to create a free personal or team fundraising page,” says Wilson.

“Then just start letting your friends and family know you’re fundraising for the BC SPCA and ask if they would consider a donation for animals in need.” Wilson adds that until midnight on June 5, when a fundraiser personally donates to their Lock-In for Love page their gift will be matched up to $20,000, thanks to a generous gift from Hill’s Pet Nutrition.  

“On Saturday, June 22, all fundraisers are invited to their local participating BC SPCA animal centre for the optional in-person finale,” says Wilson.

“It’s the perfect place to make their final fundraising push. Not only will they participate in the hour-long cuddle session, but they’ll also get an opportunity to go behind the scenes to see all the lifesaving work their compassionate efforts are supporting.”

 “Lock-In for Love is all about communities coming together to save animals in need and having fun along the way,” says Wilson.

“We’re deeply grateful for every kind-hearted person who fundraises or supports a fundraiser and speaks up for the voiceless.”

To sign up, or for more information, visit lockin.spca.bc.ca. 

Categories: EducationGeneral

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