Southeast RCMP seeking witnesses in suspected abduction/killing

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
April 15th, 2024

On April 14, during the process of investigating an allegation of an abduction from the Lumby area, the North Okanagan RCMP located a deceased female in a rural location, according to Staff Sgt. Jason Smart, NCO i/c of the Southeast District Major Crime Unit. A male believed to be involved in this death was arrested in the general vicinity.

He said in April 15, this male was released from police custody with a series of mandatory conditions by which he was expected to abide.

The Southeast District Major Crime Unit has assumed conduct of the investigation and believe that the female’s death is the result of foul play.

“At this juncture, investigators believe that this incident is isolated and that no threat to the public exists,” said Smart.

He said investigators are appealing to the public that if they have video, dash camera or other, from along Hwy 6 to the west of Lumby, within the Village of Lumby, north along Shuswap Avenue or Lumby‐Mabel Lake Road towards and up the east side of Mabel Lake between 7 a.m. on April 13, 2024, to 10 a.m. on April 14, 2024, to contact the Southeast District Major Crime Unit Tip Line at 1‐877‐987‐8477.

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