Ribbon cut for new staff bike storage area at Kootenay Lake Hospital

By Contributor
April 25th, 2024

Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson is celebrating the opening of an indoor staff and physician bike storage room.

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the hospital as the new indoor bike storage room was unveiled on April 22 to celebrate Earth Day.

“Knowing my bike will be safe and secure while I am working motivates me to commute on two wheels instead of four. Big win for the environment,” said Dr. James Wiedrick, MD.

This environmentally friendly transportation milestone has been supported by Interior Health, who has donated the space and the labour to set the room up. Staff and physicians have also been supportive of the initiative, raising over $6,000 to secure bicycle racks and install an interior wall.

“The official opening of the KLH bike room, coinciding with Earth Day, is cause for celebration,” said Dr. Kevin McKechnie, Chief of Staff.

“From concept to completion, this was a grass roots initiative that could not have come to fruition without the hard work, generosity and collaboration of individual physicians, nurses, administrators, and plant services.

“While a relatively small capital project, the opening of the room is an excellent example of what can be achieved when a cooperative team of individuals are motivated to make positive change. Hopefully the establishment of the KLH bike room is the first of many ‘green’ initiatives that help showcase our hospital’s commitment to better planetary health.”

Located in Nelson, B.C., the Kootenay Lake Hospital is a Level 1 Community Hospital in the Kootenay Boundary health service area.

The hospital offers services including surgical, inpatient and 24-hour emergency care.

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