Nelson Fire Rescue Services conducts prescribed burn on Highway 6/3A interchange

By Contributor
April 1st, 2024

This spring, Nelson Fire & Rescue Services with the support of the BC Wildfire Service will be conducting a prescribed burn as part of a three-stage wildfire risk reduction project on the Highway 6/Highway 3A interchange in Nelson.

The burn will cover up to 1.8 hectares targeting the continuous grass cover next to the Highway 6 and Highway 3a interchange.

The exact timing of the burn will depend on weather and site conditions but could take place as early as the first week of April.

Burning will only proceed if conditions are suitable to safely achieve objectives and allow for sufficient smoke dispersal to minimize impacts to nearby residents.  Extensive planning and preparations have taken place to ensure the safety of homes, citizens, and road users.

This burn aims to increase community safety through a reduction of hazardous fuels. Specific goals include:

  • reducing the build-up of continuous, matted grass cover
  • reducing ember receptivity
  • reducing the risk of potential human-caused fires in this area, and
  • protecting this key evacuation corridor.

This burn also provides a valuable training opportunity that will increase the capacity of the Nelson Fire and Rescue Services to respond to future wildfires within the wildland-urban interface.

“This is a great opportunity to not only reduce some of the risk in this area, where we’ve responded to a wildfire in the past; but also to share some knowledge between the two organizations,” said Chief Hebert of Nelson Fire & Rescue Services.

The roadside bank along Highway 6 was burned as Nelson Fire Rescue and BC Wildfire Services staged a prescribed burn Tuesday in Nelson that targeted the continuous grass cover next to the interchange.

Smoke will be visible to motorists traveling along the Highway 6 and Highway 3a interchange and may temporarily impact adjacent residents.

No road or lane closures are planned and the highway will be continuously monitored for the duration of the burn.  We ask that people do not slow down or stop on the highway to watch operations, as this can create unsafe conditions for both staff and travelers.

Fire is a normal and natural process in many of B.C.’s ecosystems. The BC Wildfire Service works regularly with land managers to undertake fuel management activities, including the use of prescribed burns, to help reduce the severity of future wildfires and related threats to communities.  Nelson Fire & Rescue Services will also be implementing this proactive approach to mitigating the effects of wildfire and ensuring wildfire preparedness across jurisdictional boundaries.

Learn more about prescribed burning online:

For more information about this burn and other wildfire mitigation activities around Nelson, please visit

Homeowners can help contribute to the wildfire resilience of the community and help protect their homes by requesting a free FireSmart Home Ignition Zone Assessment and completing the recommendations around their properties.  To sign up for the program please [email protected] or call 250-352-8116.

For more information on all the ways that Nelson is building Wildfire Resiliency within the community please visit

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