Legally Blonde: the Musical highlights May at Capitol Theatre

Ari Lord
By Ari Lord
April 30th, 2024

May at the Capitol Theatre brings both whimsical and satirical performances to the stage.

Legally Blonde: the Musical is an unexpected, satirical show put on by Black Productions.

With catchy songs, hilarious moments, and a message of empowerment, Legally Blonde: the Musical is a fun and heartfelt journey about staying true to oneself and defying expectations.

Darren Fuss, the show’s Director, says preparations are going exceedingly well with a large cast of 28.

“If you were to think about Legally Blonde, you’d think, it’s pretty light and fluffy. But there are a lot of inner workings to the show,” says Fuss.

There are a variety of other events going on this month at the theatre.

Learn more about the preparations underway for Legally Blonde: the Musical, and what to expect from the show from reporter Ari Lord in the Hall Printing Daily Dose.

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