City's Emergency Notification System test coming May 7

By Contributor
April 30th, 2024

The City of Nelson will perform a TEST of the City’s Emergency Notification System on Tuesday, May 7, at Noon during Emergency Preparedness Week.

Anyone registered with the City’s Emergency Notification System will receive a TEST notification on the device they registered with – text, landline, email or app.

This test aims to get residents thinking about emergency preparedness, provide a preview of what an Emergency Notification alert would look and sound like and encourage those who have not yet registered to do so.

Emergency Preparedness Week is May 5 to 11 and is a great time to learn about preparing for emergencies. This year, the theme is Be Prepared. Know Your Risks.

The theme encourages residents to understand the risks in their area and learn what actions they can take to protect themselves and their families.

The Voyent Alert! Emergency Notification System aligns with communities throughout the Kootenays as the primary notification system, including RDCK, RDKB and RDEK, allowing residents to be “in the know” across the Kootenays. Emergency Notifications will only be used for significant emergencies such as a nearby wildfire, hazardous materials release, extreme weather or other high-consequence events.

Notifications will advise users on what is happening and what they should do, such as preparing for an evacuation or taking shelter by closing all doors and windows. Signing up to receive Emergency Notifications is vital to individual and community preparedness.

To sign up, go to or your favourite App Store to download the Voyent Alert! App and register.

In addition to signing up to receive Emergency Notifications, everyone should have a personal Emergency Plan, an emergency kit and a Grab-and-Go Bag. In particular, if asked to evacuate, residents should know in advance where they will go and how they will get there.

Also, check with your neighbours as they may require assistance. Don’t forget to plan for your pets – have carriers, leashes and food in a “Grab-and-Go” bag.

Emergencies happen unexpectedly and can progress quickly, so by making a plan, having a “Grab-and-Go” bag and registering for Emergency Notifications, you can take a proactive approach to be prepared.

For more information on the Nelson Emergency Notification System, visit or  click here.

Categories: EducationGeneral

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