High-speed internet on its way to more homes around Kootenay Lake

By Contributor
March 12th, 2024

New Democrat MLA Brittny Anderson says more people living near Kootenay Lake will be able to unlock new possibilities, with more than $1 million in provincial and federal funding to bring high-speed broadband internet access to 310 homes.

“Faster and more reliable internet access will make a big difference for people in these communities,” said Brittny Anderson, MLA for Nelson-Creston.

“Completing a degree online, starting a small business, or getting a great remote job will all be within reach of these residents, which will help strengthen our community and local economy.”

The projects, to be built and operated by Kalso InfoNet Society, will provide faster broadband speeds for people and provide improved access to digital services, educational resources, and economic opportunities.

The first project will connect 262 homes in Ainsworth Hot Springs, Argenta, Cooper Creek, Howser, Kaslo, Lardeau, Meadow Creek, and Shutty Bench. The provincial and federal governments each provided $427,382 in funding towards this project.

The second project will connect 48 homes in Johnsons Landing, Kaslo, and Riondel. The provincial and federal governments each provided $99,141 in funding towards this project.

The federal and provincial funding commitments made today are part of an existing agreement between the governments of Canada and British Columbia.

In March 2022, both governments announced a historic partnership to invest up to $830 million to connect households in all remaining rural, remote and Indigenous communities throughout the province to high-speed internet.

Since 2017, the BC New Democrat government has invested $584 million in connectivity projects across the province.

Categories: EducationGeneral

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