Nelson, Trail welcome New Year's babies

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
January 2nd, 2024

A trio of parents in Interior Health region took turns welcoming newborn babies on New Year Day 2024.

At Kootenay Lake Hospital, Ali Israel Dalwampo was born at 8:26 a.m. to Kristyl Banaag and Syjay Dalwampo.

Mother and baby are doing just fine according to Kristyl Banaag, who was quick to give kudos to the staff and nurses at Kootenay Lake Hospital.

“We’re both very excited,” Banaag said of 6 pounds, seven-ounce Ali Israel.

“We were not expecting (Ali Israel) to be a New Year’s Baby as I was scheduled to have him on January 3rd.”

“But I started having contractions on December 31st and arrived at the hospital at 1 a.m. on New Year’s Day.”

Ali Israel is the first child for the proud parents.

The arrival of the first baby of 2024 in the Interior Health region happened at Kelowna General Hospital at 40 minutes past midnight to an Okanagan couple.

Seven-pound, seven-ounce baby girl Navy Shae was born to parents Scott and Jessica.

The Rutland couple also has a two-year-old daughter.

Minutes after Ali Israel was born, Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail announced the arrival of its first child at 8:48 a.m. to parents Asha Sharma and Deepak Kumar Sharma.

The baby boy arrived at the announced weight of eight pounds, one ounce.

The first baby in BC was born on New Year’s Day in New Westminster at the stroke of midnight.

Categories: GeneralHealth

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