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More funding helps local governments deliver housing faster in Kootenays

By Contributor
January 18th, 2024

New Democrat MLAs Katrine Conroy and Brittny Anderson say local governments are receiving funding that will help them implement new provincial legislation to build more homes for people faster.

“I know many people across the Kootenays are concerned about finding a place to live that they can afford, which is why we are taking action to speed up the approval and building of new housing,” said Brittny Anderson, MLA for Nelson-Creston.

“With this funding, we’re making sure that local governments can adapt to these changes and be ready to support homes for people.”

In the Kootenays, the following municipalities are receiving funding:

  • Castlegar – $189,154
  • Creston – $175,497
  • Fruitvale – $159,276
  • Kaslo – $154,605
  • Nakusp – $157,704
  • Nelson – $200,766
  • New Denver – $152,296
  • Rossland – $169,000
  • Salmo – $156,221
  • Silverton – $150,953
  • Slocan – $151,383
  • Trail – $186,696
  • Warfield – $158,161

Additionally, two regional districts are receiving funding as follows:

  • Regional District Central Kootenay – $279,143
  • Regional District of Kootenay Boundary – $144,392

“The scale of our housing crisis demands swift action, but rural communities with limited staff may have trouble adapting to big changes,” said Katrine Conroy, MLA for Kootenay West.

“This funding will be especially beneficial for our small communities here in the Kootenays as they transition to new provincial regulations.”

In response to the new provincial housing legislation passed in 2023, the New Democratic government is providing $51 million to 188 local governments to help them meet the new requirements.

This money will be used to improve planning, development and reporting processes, hire new staff and consultants and help governing bodies become more efficient at approving housing. Smaller communities will especially benefit from this funding as they have fewer resources to make changes.

This funding is part of a historic $19 billion housing investment by the provincial government. Since 2017, more than 77,000 homes have been delivered or are underway across B.C.

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