RCMP investigate third fatal accident in just over one week

Boundary Sentinel
By Boundary Sentinel
December 22nd, 2023

RCMP said 57-year-old woman from Grand Forks has died in a car accident Thursday afternoon near the intersection of North Fork Road and Coalchute Road in Grand Forks.

RCMP said police were initially notified of the single-vehicle accident at 2:16 p.m. in the Boundary City and attended to find paramedics with the BC Ambulance Service and members of the Grand Forks Fire Department dealing with the lone occupant of the vehicle.

RCMP said the female driver from Grand Forks was extricated from the vehicle and taken to local hospital, but unfortunately succumbed to her injuries.

“Despite the warmer weather and lack of snow for this time of year, the roads can still be icy and slippery and we want to warn all drivers to drive with care,” said Sergeant Darryl Peppler of the Grand Forks RCMP.

“We are seeing too many serious and fatal accidents in our Boundary Region and we certainly don’t want to see anymore.”

Police said the accident, which remains under investigation — Mounties have not ruled out speed or alcohol as factors — is the major fourth accident in just over a week in the Boundary area that police in both the Grand Forks and Midway Detachments, along with the BC Highway Patrol are investigating.

The first accident happened Sunday evening, December 11th near Greenwood, BC where a 62-year-old woman from Grand Forks died as a result of her injuries.

Then on December 18th on Highway 33, just north of Rock Creek, another head on collision claimed the life of a 66-year-old man from Grand Forks.

The passenger, a 57-year-old woman from Grand Forks was taken to Kelowna hospital with serious injuries.

Grand Forks police are investigating a third event, a single vehicle accident on Phoenix Road that happened around noon on Wednesday, December 20, 2023.

A 63-year-old man from Greenwood was travelling down when he lost control and went over a steep embankment, pinning him inside his car.

The man was eventually removed by the Grand Forks Fire Department and taken to hospital in Grand Forks.

Alcohol is suspected to be involved and Mounties are continuing their investigation.

This post was syndicated from https://boundarysentinel.com
Categories: CrimeGeneral

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