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Nelson couple launches storytelling program

Ari Lord
By Ari Lord
December 7th, 2023

Nelson couple, Taseyah Davies and Alexander Lamm, have launched a storytelling program for young children called StoryNest.

“All of the content has been curated by our team so parents feel assured that everything has been pre-listened to and they know that their children can’t stumble across anything that’s not age appropriate and safe for sensitive children,” says Davies.

The program was inspired by the couple wanting to entertain their rather early-riser son with safe, value-based audio stories.

Ten quality storytellers create unique content for the program.

Learn more about the new storytelling program in this week’s edition of the Hall Printing Daily Dose feature a reporter Ari Lord explains the features of the new app.

Click here for the link to the Hall Printing Daily Dose story.

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