Fatal snowmobile incident near Revelstoke

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
December 4th, 2023

On Dec. 2, at 5:40 p.m., the Revelstoke RCMP were notified of a missing snowmobiler on Boulder Mountain, near Revelstoke, according to an RCMP press release issued Dec. 4

The release said the 27-year-old man from Quebec was snowmobiling with a group when he became separated. He had tried to radio to his group his location, however not having GPS or satellite communication, he could not be immediately located.

Revelstoke Search and Rescue were deployed and later located the man in serious medical distress, in a remote and steep area called ‘Toilet Bowl’.

Sadly, while the man was being rapidly extracted from the location, his condition worsened and he succumbed to his injuries.

The death is not suspicious.

The Revelstoke RCMP is working alongside the BC Coroners Service in the investigation.

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