Three people survive crash as car drives off side of highway near Trail

November 8th, 2023

Trail RCMP in the weekly media release reported that three occupants of a vehicle were lucky after surviving a crash Friday in the 8000 block of Highway 3B.

RCMP said that on Friday, November 3, 2023, at 1:38 a.m. a frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP officer responded to a motor vehicle incident reported by BC EHS which occurred in the 8000 block of Highway 3B.

Paramedics driving behind a grey Volkswagen Golf vehicle with three occupants witnessed it suddenly drive off the side of the highway. The vehicle plummeted down a steep embankment and hit several trees before coming to rest.

The 33-year-old Fruitvale man driving the vehicle informed police that he had sustained minor injuries from the crash. One of his passengers reported himself to be uninjured; however, the second passenger, a 33-year-old Fruitvale woman, believed she had sustained serious injuries and possibly a fracture. BC EHS transported her to the Trail hospital for medical treatment.

The man told the officer that he swerved to avoid a deer but that claim was refuted by the paramedics who had witnessed it. The man allegedly admitted to the officer that he had allegedly consumed a prescription drug prior to driving. The officer detained the man, and read a demand to him. A Castlegar RCMP officer trained in Standard Field Sobriety Testing attended and administered the test to the man, and impairment was not detected at the time of the test.

It was lucky that BC EHS was right there to help these three people. This is a good reminder to the public that prescription drugs could affect your ability to drive, and ensure you are familiar with all of the side effects prior to operating a motor vehicle, says Sgt. Wicentowich.

Fraud Alert!!!!

RCMP said that on November 3, 2023, at 2:12 p.m. a frontline Trail and Greater District RCMP officer received a report of a telephone fraud from a 28-year-old Trail woman, in Trail.

The woman was contacted by an unknown person claiming he was a federal investigator and threatened to have her arrested if she did not provide personal information, or contacted the RCMP or her bank about this phone call. The woman became suspicious when the person demanded Google gift cards.

She contacted the Trail and Greater District RCMP and reported the incident. An officer advised her that it was a scam. The woman not provided any sensitive information, nor sent any money to the fraudster.

These scams often target seniors, and those new to Canada who may be unfamiliar with their local police service. The police do not call people and demand money, and threatened to arrest you if you do not comply. Once you send money electronically, it is gone forever and it can rarely, if ever, be recovered, says Sgt. Wicentowich.

For more information about telephone fraud and other scams visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre website at: Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (

Categories: CrimeGeneral

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