Letter: High praise for selfless gifts by pair of Nelson volunteers

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
February 6th, 2023

To the Editor:

In recent editions of the Nelson Star, the following articles: “A Reflection of Service” by Pat Dooley, “Appreciation To Friends and Family of Buck Crawford” written by his adult children, and “Adult Lunch Bucket’s Donation to KidSport Nelson in honour of Keith McFadyen” caused me to pause and reflect.

We are so fortunate to have our individual lives and greater community touched by volunteers, who give selflessly.

Nelson’s hockey family was shaken by the death of Keith and Buck but through such pain glows the light of giving. I think of those we have lost, such as Ted Hargreaves, in whose memory, KidSport began in Nelson.

Also, Shorty Malacko, whose family contributed to KidSport in order for ALL Kids to PLAY! in whatever sport they choose.

Many benefited from Keith’s and Buck’s contribution to the fabric of Nelson sports via Sunday morning and/or Lunch Bucket adult hockey.

From recent conversations with players in both groups, FRIENDSHIP seemed to be the greatest memory gained through their experiences left by these two men’s legacy.

If truly our value at the end of our days is measured in the number of friends joined throughout our lives, Buck’s and Keith’s richness are vast — both lives well lived.

Bill and Megan McDonnell, Nelson, BC


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