Letter: Nelson Leafs apologize for on-ice incident, accept coach resignation

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
January 7th, 2023

To The Editor:

The Nelson Leafs Hockey Society apologizes to the Beaver Valley Nitehawks, all Nelson Leafs fans, hockey fans in general and all member clubs of the KIJHL for the on-ice events of Saturday, December 31, 2022.


As a proud member of the KIJHL the Nelson Leafs failed to abide by League principles to encourage participation in hockey in a manner so as to foster clean play and good sportsmanship.


As an organization the Nelson Leafs intend to ensure that our club is seen as a healthy, competitive and respectable recreational activity for our players and fans and as a club that

promotes hockey, education and life skills.


The Nelson Leafs Board of Directors have accepted the resignation of Adam DiBella from his position as head coach.


During this weekend’s three game road trip the team will be under the interim guidance of Assistant Coach Tyson Soobotin and General Manager Lance Morey.


The Nelson Leafs will be making a decision concerning the head coaching position in the days to come.


As an organization, the Nelson Leafs accept the decisions of the BC Hockey Council Department of Player Safety and KIJHL Commissioner Jeff Dubois (see kijhl.ca) and will not be appealing any of those decisions.


Corey Viala, President Nelson Leafs Hockey Society

Categories: LettersOp/Ed

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