Op/Ed: Our Rossland Council candidates, and lots of them!

Sara Golling
By Sara Golling
September 13th, 2022

Rossland’s current City Council has two more meetings – September 19 and October 11 — before the general election on October 15, 2022. Until then, voters can learn something about the candidates and decide which ones to vote for.

There are two contestants for the role of mayor: current Council member Andy Morel, who has also been serving as Rossland’s representative on the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, and Kim LaFond, who served as a Council member a few terms ago.

Vying for the other six positions on the new Council are 12 stalwart citizens of Rossland, with a mix of perspectives on the world and how Rossland should be run.

The Rossland Telegraph hopes to publish answers from each candidate on questions of interest to Rosslanders – and relevant to the job of Council.

Here’s the list of potential new Councillors:

Boyce, Eliza 
Evans, Paul
Horney, Richard
Humpherys, Craig 
Kemick, Richard 
Kwiatkowski, Lisa 
Pistak, Brian 
Provencal, Maya 
Spooner, Stewart 
Thatcher,  Tim  
Troy, Sam 
Weaver, Jeff

Candidates – please prime your minds to tell Rossland voters where you stand on the issues dear to our hearts.  Issues like balancing taxation with maintaining services and amenities; Rossland’s Asset Management Plan; climate change; short-term rentals; regional recreation facilities and charges; population growth in Rossland; and so on. 

The Rossland Telegraph will report candidates’ answers and statements without editorializing; we respect our readers’ ability to make up their own minds when provided with information.

We offer our gratitude to each one of you who has stepped up to participate and is willing to take on four years of service to your community. Whether you are elected or not, and only half of you will be, you all deserve honour for that commitment. Thank you.

Voters:  please show that you, too, care about your community – by getting informed, and voting.  It really does make a difference.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
Categories: GeneralOp/EdPolitics

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