Lower Columbia River White Sturgeon Habitat Restoration Project

BC Hydro
By BC Hydro
September 22nd, 2022

BC Hydro is delivering a wide range of monitoring studies to learn more about the endangered white sturgeon population in the Canadian portion of the Columbia River. 

While the specific cause of white sturgeon population decline is still being investigated, improving substrate conditions at spawning sites where dam construction and river regulation have had an impact was identified as a positive initiative to give eggs and larvae the best chance of survival.

A working group comprised of BC Hydro, Columbia Power, Ministry of Land, Water and Resource Stewardship, Okanagan Nation Alliance, and Ktunaxa Nation Council have recommended placing a specific mix of rocks and gravel that will improve conditions for incubating eggs and larvae to help them hide from predators during this critical life stage.

This project will enhance the spawning substrate for endangered white sturgeon in the spawning area in the tailrace (outlet channel) of Arrow Lakes Generating Station.

This work is planned to occur this fall starting in September. Construction activities will take place directly downstream from the Hugh L. Keenleyside Dam and Arrow Lakes Generating Station. We ask that boaters and anglers avoid this area while work is underway.

The public access area will remain open, but we ask users to make safety a priority and stay away from the areas that are fenced off.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mary Anne Coules at 250 365 4565.

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