No Excuse Not to Slow Down in School Zones
Nelson Police Chief Constable Donovan Fisher is reminding the driving public with students returning to regular classes there will be extra patrols within city school zones to monitor traffic.
Chief Fisher said Wednesday in a media release that school zones in Nelson have become busy hives of activity in the morning and after the school day ends now that the new school year has started.
“Extra awareness and caution is suggested during this time when everyone is getting back into the new routine and reduced speed limits being back in place in these areas,” Chief Fisher said on the first full day of classes in Kootenay Lake School District 8 for the 2021-2022 school year.
“In the past there have been several concerns raised with drivers not paying attention or following speed limit and other traffic direction in these areas,” Chief Fisher added.
Chief Fisher said children, parents and teachers should also take responsibility to ensure everyone is using proper and safe crossing practices, looking before crossing and using cross walks.
“This may not always be happening, due to a momentary lapse in judgement or excited to get home for some special event or activity,” Chief Fisher said.
Chief Fisher said Nelson Police Officers will be making extra patrols in school zones.
“Please exercise a little extra patience and attentiveness when travelling through these zones,” Chief Fisher said.
“Taking an extra 10 seconds may save a life.”
Some tips for drivers include:
- Every school day, unless otherwise posted, a 30 km/h speed limit is in effect in school zones from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- When you’re dropping off your children in school zones, allow them to exit the car on the side closest to the sidewalk. Never allow a child to cross mid-block.
- If a vehicle has stopped in front of you or in the lane next to you, they may be yielding to a pedestrian, so proceed with caution and be prepared to stop.
- Watch for school buses. Vehicles approaching from both directions must stop for school buses when their lights are flashing.
- Before getting into your vehicle, walk around it to make sure no small children are hidden from your view. Always look for pedestrians when you’re backing up.
Traffic Safety Speed Fines
The fine for speeding within a school zone is higher than regular speeding fines. Speeding less than 21 km/h over the limit starts at a fine of $196 and three demerit points, travelling between 21 to 40 km/h jumps the fine to $253.
When it comes to school buses, if their red flashing lights and Stop arm are extended, this is the same as a stop sign. The flashing lights signal that students are getting on or off the bus. The fine for passing a school bus with lights flashing is $368 and three demerit points.