Letter: MP Morrison disappointed with government politicizing the Bill C-6

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
June 23rd, 2021

To The Editor:

MP Morrison is committed to ensuring protections are in place to ban conversion therapy in Canada and that the law targets coercive practices, and not conversations, as the Justice Department says the bill (C-6) is intended to do. 

Conservatives were hoping for a non-partisan environment to work through the details of the legislation. 

Unfortunately, the government politicized the Bill, at Committee level. 

Conservatives put forward two reasonable amendments to add clarity to the bill and ensure that voluntary conversations between individuals and their teachers, school counsellors, pastoral counsellors, faith leaders, doctors, mental health professionals, friends or family members are not criminalized. 

It is disappointing the government refused to support reasonable amendments at the Justice Committee which would have added greater clarity to the legislation.

The government knows that most Canadians don’t support conversion therapy, they also know that most Canadians don’t want conversations between a parent and a child to be criminalized either.

Kootenay Columbia Member of Parliament, Rob Morrison

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