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Nelson resident goes public after receiving positive COVID-19 test following memorial gathering on East Shore

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 29th, 2021

A Nelson resident has decided to go public after receiving news of a positive COVID-19 test last week.

Rumours have been circulating that an individual may have come into contact with residents on the East Shore of Kootenay Lake during a memorial service on Sunday, March 21, 2021.

During the memorial service people gathered in family groups to pay their respects.

It is believed that a non-resident of the East Shore, but had contact with residents, received a positive COVID-19 test result upon returning to their hometown.

“I am deeply sorry for all the turmoil that has gripped our community,” the Nelson resident said on a group post on the internet.

“The need to be transparent and let you in on what has happened is important to me,” the resident added.

The Nelson resident said they started feeling aching muscles and a headache on Wednesday the 24th, and immediately scheduled a COVID-19 test the next day.

On Friday, March 24th, the resident confirmed they were tested positive for COVID-19.

“We now know that it came up with a family member from Vancouver who stayed in my house this last weekend,” the Nelson resident said.

“It seems only my household was affected.”

“All other close friends and family who were around this person have tested negative, so I am feeling like it was not spread very far or even that easily,” the Nelson resident added.

“I pray no one else who I may not be aware of has contracted it.”

The Nelson Daily reached out to Interior Health media for comment.

However, Interior Health said it does not provide specific details about individual cases — including locations — unless there are broader exposure risks to the public.

“If there is a broader risk to other individuals or the community, Interior Health will issue a public notification,” Interior Health said in an emailed statement.

“Anyone at risk of exposure to any case will be contacted directly by IH public health contact tracers.”

Interior Health said everyone in all communities should remain vigilant in following COVID-19 precautions:

  • Keep to your household bubbles and avoid indoor social gatherings.
  • Stay home when you are sick and get tested if you have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
  • Practise physical distancing.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Avoid all non-essential travel.

Graphic Distribution of COVID-19 by Local Health Area of Case Residence for March 14 to 20, 2021.

The BC Centre for Disease Control BCCDC weekly graphic report from March 14-20 shows more than 10 cases for the Kootenay/Boundary region.

Nelson and Trail reported three and two COVID-19 cases, respectively, while Cranbrook reported four, Windermere two and Fernie three.

There were no cases reported for the Boundary region, which includes Grand Forks and Kettle Valley.

Castlegar, Arrow and Kootenay Lake, Creston, Golden and Kimberley also reported no new COVID-19 cases.Monday, the BC provincial health officer is amending the provincial public health orders effective midnight tonight, March 29, 2021.

Included in the new health orders are restaurants, bars and pubs, all food and liquor-serving premises must only provide take-out or delivery service while dine-in service is prohibited, except for outdoor patios.

The public health order said people dining on patios should do so with their immediate household or core bubble.

The Nelson resident who tested positive for COVID-19 said they are sorry the didn’t post the information sooner but are still in a very challenging situation with grief and now battling the virus.

“I just haven’t been capable until now,” the resident said.

“I love you all so much and again I am sorry.”

(The Nelson Daily, respecting confidentiality of the person recovering from COVID-19, has decided not to publish the name of the Nelson resident.)

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