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RDCK now accepting grant applications for CBT Community Initiatives, Affected Areas Program

By Contributor
January 5th, 2021

Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) announced effective Monday, grant applications for the Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program (CIP/AAP) will be accepted.

The programs support local projects that provide additional value to Basin communities and that benefit the broad community and public good.

“This year more than ever, we know our communities and the non-profit societies that do astounding work for their benefit are in need,” said Aimee Watson, Chair, RDCK Board of Directors.

The RDCK said the CIP/AAP are intended to be flexible and incorporate community-based funding decisions.

Program funds are distributed annually to the Trust’s regional government and indigenous partners, including the RDCK.

Last year, 345 applications were received, of which 315 were approved. The majority of projects that received funding were supporting cultural, social, environmental and economic projects.

The granting allocation for the RDCK for 2021-2022 is $1,486,212.

“There is much to recover, much to plan anew, and much to be inspired by,” said Watson.

“The RDCK is grateful for the on-going community support CBT provides through its myriad of programs and specifically, the ability for the community to participate in the engagement process that the CIP and AAP program requires.

“We wish all applicants well and thank you for your continued efforts and support of our shared communities,” Watson added.

Click here to find more information about the Columbia Basin Trust CIP/AAP, including, who is eligible and how to apply. The deadline for application is February 26, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.

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