Nelson-Creston candidates field questions during KCR All-Candidates Forum

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
October 23rd, 2020

Candidates for the Nelson-Creston seat in the BC Legislature had an excellent chance to appear prove to the electorate they are the best choice to represent the riding during an All-Candidates Forum Thursday afternoon at the Civic Theatre in Nelson.

The event, with all four candidates — Tanya Finley of the BC Liberal Party, Nicole Charlwood of the BC Green Party, Terry Tiessen, representing the BC Libertarian Party and Brittny Anderson of the BC NDP — attending was hosted by Kootenay Co-op Radio in Nelson. (Click on the candidate links to read The Nelson Daily, Election Profiles.)

Kootenay Morning cohost Darren Davidson moderating the event, posting questions to the candidates on a wide range of local topics.

The BC Election is set for Saturday.

According to Elections BC, more than 470,000 votes have been cast in the Advance Polls, held this past week.

Polls open at 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Voters are reminded during this COVID-19 pandemic they are encouraged to wear a mask to protect others, and bring a pencil if they like as well as the voter card to speed up voting.

Check out The Nelson Daily for complete Election coverage Saturday night.

From left, BC Libertarian Party Terry Tiessen, Brittny Anderson of the BC NDP and Tanya Finley of the BC Liberal Party spoke to votersThursday during the All-Candidates Forum at the Civic Theatre. — Screenshot photo


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