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Candidate Profile — Making the change for future generations spurs candidacy for Libertarian Party

Timothy Schafer
By Timothy Schafer
October 21st, 2020

Four years ago Terry Tiessen made a major decision for his three children.

He chose to let his name stand for candidacy of the BC Libertarian Party.

“It was in 2017 that I decided if I wanted to persevere and leave a world for those children that have impenetrable individual, property and privacy rights, I would have to join and run for the BC Libertarian Party,” he said.

Tiessen has lived in the Nelson area for 30 wonderful years now, choosing to raise his three children in the beauty and the culture of the West Kootenay.

His whole life’s work and background has been in the non-profit sector, working in the early days of Greenpeace, WCCW and Gitsan land claims, to Slocan Reading Centre and, most recently, the Humane Society.

“This has led me to this point of great change for all of us,” he said.

Nelson Daily Q&A

1. What steps will you take to reach all of the voters in Nelson-Creston during the COVID-19 pandemic?

It has been the challenge of the Libertarian Party to let the Nelson-Creston area know we are in the running during this election.

The calling of a snap election during this time is questionable, and such things as “write”-in ballots without the Libertarian Party name on it have hit the party hard.

However, the media in Nelson-Creston area are very good at giving some exposure and I have done multiple print and radio interviews. Another way we are reaching out is through the use of targeted social media ads on Facebook and Twitter.

I also will be walking around the district, at Farmer’s markets and social events open to the public, handing out literature and introducing myself.

2. If elected, you will be a rookie MLA for Nelson-Creston. How will you make inroads in the BC Legislature to represent the wishes of constituents? 

The same drive and passion that inspired me to run will only get stronger as I am given a chance to represent the needs of my district.

In this election we are the only party to come out strongly against the totalitarian methods used against us. We believe that calling businesses and individuals unessential is a huge overstepping of the power a government has.

And the forced containment of the populace caused serious financial, emotional, mental, spiritual and physical hardship. I am going to Victoria to fight like a honey badger for the rights and freedoms of my constituents.

3. If elected, what role do you see yourself playing in the BC Legislature?

To quote Victor Hugo “There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”

We watched the Green Party gain political traction on the wave of a global paradigm shift towards green consciousness. We now are the voice and vote of a worldwide movement for individual rights and freedoms.

Myself and other Libertarians elected would have the role of being a watchdog and lobbyist for our rights.

Libertarians also have a strong financial policy of free market economics.

We offer long term and permanent economic recovery and a big reduction in the cost of living for all British Columbians through monopoly busting and heavy tax relief.

4. What is the biggest issue facing Nelson-Creston as you see it?

Right now the rest of the country says “British Columbia? Beautiful place but too expensive to live there.”

Our policies focus strongly on lowering the cost of living in Nelson-Creston. The removal of regressive taxes like gas and carbon tax, that are “farm-to-table taxes,” felt by the farmer, transporter, distributor, retailer and the consumer, impacting all the way through a supply chain.

Also a heavy burden on us is the so-called “sin” taxes on liquor, tobacco and marijuana. Not only on a low-income level, but at a crucial operational cash level that stimulates the much in need restaurant, resort, tourism and leisure industries.

Free market solutions will also give relief in housing, insurance, transport, liquor and marijuana and health care to name a few, greatly reducing the cost of living right across the board in British Columbia.

5. What do you bring to the table to make you the best choice in Nelson-Creston?

The Libertarian Party is called the principle party and I embody that life of strong principles.

I believe that there are inalienable individual, property and privacy rights that are never up for grabs. Now more than ever we need people to fight for our rights and I am that person to send to Victoria to do it.

Terry Tiessen of the BC Libertarian Party is joined on the Nelson-Creston ballot by Brittny Anderson of the BC NDP, BC Liberal Candidate Tanya Finley,  and Nicole Charlwood of the BC Green Party.

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