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Candidate Profile — Current city councillor, RDCK director raises the Nelson-Creston candidacy flag for BC NDP

Timothy Schafer
By Timothy Schafer
October 18th, 2020

A current Nelson city councillor is preparing to launch her political career to the next stage.

As the NDP Party candidate for the Nelson-Creston riding in the coming election, Brittny Anderson brings almost three years of municipal government experience in the Heritage city to the table.

A self-proclaimed strong advocate for the Kootenays, Anderson’s roots in the West Kootenay run deep, having grown up in the region.

In addition to her time on council, she also sits on the board of directors for the Regional District of Central Kootenay.

The number one issue facing the West Kootenay — climate change — is something Anderson is well equipped to tackle, sporting a master’s degree in Environmental Science and Policy.

As a result, she has been a “strong advocate” for action on climate change and increasing services for the most vulnerable people in West Kootenay communities. 

As well as standing up for the environment, Anderson has championed active transportation and has been dedicated to supporting the local small business community through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“It’s energizing to hear from people in their communities about what matters to them,” said Anderson during what has been a whirlwind campaign that’s seen BC NDP candidate connecting with voters in all corners of the riding each week. 

“So many people have benefited from BC NDP policies over the last three years and I am ready to get to work to keep us moving forward on issues that matter like healthcare, education, housing and the environment.”

Anderson has already hosted small, socially distant and safe events in Kaslo, Meadow Creek, Lardeau, and Harrop and has hosted events each week in Creston and Nelson. 

Nelson Daily Q&A

1. What steps have you taken to reach all of the voters in Nelson-Creston during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Since my campaign started a couple of weeks ago, I have connected with hundreds of voters in Nelson-Creston virtually, over the phone and in small, socially distant, outdoor gatherings.   

Throughout the campaign I am trying to get out to all corners of our region. I’ve visited Salmo and Creston as well as Balfour Kaslo, Meadow Creek, Lardeau, and Harrop to meet people in person.

I am also reaching out to organizations to connect with their networks on the issues that matter to them including the environment, small business, health, arts and culture and agriculture. I had an amazing conversation in person with some people from the technology sector and with Katrine Conroy to discuss the importance of the sector in the Kootenay region. 

My team is working hard to make sure I can participate in any virtual all candidate debates that get organized. We hope to see a virtual all topics forum organized soon so it is accessible to people across the riding. 

2. If elected, you will be a rookie MLA for Nelson-Creston. How will you make inroads in the BC Legislature to represent the wishes of constituents?

My priority right now is to connect with as many people as possible in safe ways and ask them to elect me to represent them. 

In an election nothing is certain until all the ballots are counted. That being said, if given the trust to represent this riding I will work hard to honour that trust. I have never had a problem making my voice heard around the city council table in my current role as Nelson city councillor. 

Through this campaign I have had the opportunity to connect with key former cabinet ministers in my preparation as candidate. Though a foggy morning derailed his plans to visit last weekend, I was looking forward to introducing Premier John Horgan to leaders in our technology sector and local craft industries.

Overall, I’ve seen how strong and connected the BC NDP team is and am grateful for the outpouring of support from fellow candidates and former MLAs.  

I never shy away from tackling issues head on and I am confident that I would be able to hit the ground running if I am given the honour of representing our region in Victoria.  

3. If elected, what role do you see yourself playing in the BC Legislature?

I am passionate about addressing climate change and supporting our emerging cannabis economy as they transition to the legal market. 

I have a track record of getting things done as a local government elected official. I would be able to step into a role in government that takes advantage of my significant skills and experience in John Horgan’s government, should I be elected.     

4. What is the biggest issue facing Nelson-Creston as you see it?

One of the most important issues facing Nelson-Creston is climate change. 

I have been impressed by the BC NDP’s aggressive climate action plan, and I am looking forward to being a part of a government that is committed to looking through all other policy decisions through a built-in climate action lens.  

The other main issue I am hearing about is how families and small businesses right here in our communities are struggling to make ends meet. The pandemic has been hard on small businesses but John Horgan has a plan to get the economy back on track through supporting our local businesses and building a stronger more resilient economy for everyone.  

Housing in our communities is expensive and hard to find, but the BC NDP’s housing plan is making a difference. In our area John Horgan’s team has built or is currently building 183 units of affordable housing, and the plan is to build even more.  

Access to affordable childcare is a huge issue in each of our communities. In Nelson-Creston alone over the last three years the BC NDP has created 72 new licensed childcare spots, and 54 universal childcare spots and put $1 million back into parent’s pockets with childcare benefits and subsidies. 

The BC NDP platform focuses on making life more affordable for everyone — and here in Nelson-Creston there is still work to be done.  

5. What do you bring to the table to make you the best choice in Nelson-Creston?

I am the only candidate that has real-world elected government experience. 

I have been an effective and strong voice on Nelson city council since 2018. I know how government processes work and will be able to get to work quickly on the issues that matter to you.  

I have deep roots in the Kootenays and with a Master’s of Science Degree in Environmental Science and Policy and I have the education to speak with authority on issues that matter.  

Our region has the opportunity to be a leader in the emerging cannabis economy. Through my work with The Cannabis Conservancy, a company I co-founded in 2014 that facilitates environmental certification for the emerging cannabis industry, I have the knowledge and understanding of this industry that will allow me to effectively advocate to ensure local businesses are not left behind. 

A progressive NDP government will continue to make gains on affordability, revitalize healthcare, take life-saving action to prevent overdoses, support small business and tackle the housing crisis, all while taking meaningful climate action and improving protections for our natural environment. 

Brittny Anderson of the BC NDP is joined on the Nelson-Creston ballot by BC Liberal Candidate Tanya Finley, Terry Tiessen of the BC Libertarian Party and Nicole Charlwood of the BC Green Party.

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