Cover Architecture selected to head conversion of Civic Theatre

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 24th, 2020

The Nelson Civic Theatre recently announced in a media release the Society is taking a major step forward in the redevelopment of the iconic facility.

The society, which manages the historic Civic Theatre and holds a long-term lease with the City of Nelson, announced the appointment of Cover Architecture as managing consultants for its proposed project to convert the single theatre into a three screen Cultural Media Arts Centre.

The selection of Cover Architecture was based on its resources, expertise, project understanding and shared interests and values, both with the society and the community at large.

 “Conceptual planning began in 2014,” said Board member Marilyn Mint, who will act as the Society’s building liaison, explained.

“We are so pleased to now be in a position to complete the architectural planning process.”

The Society said the generous grant from the BC Rural Dividend Fund has enabled the society to move the design process forward.

The $336,806 grant, awarded in April 2019, includes funds to support a growing Screen Based Industry group which the Civic has developed as a regional initiative.

The BC Rural Dividend Program awarded more than $1.6 Million to organizations throughout BC.

NCTS will incorporate input from industry professionals in the Kootenay region in the design of the facility. It also hopes to incorporate future options to expand the space to improve access and use for the entire Civic Centre.

The NCTS said theselection of Cover Architecture was based on its resources, expertise, project understanding and shared interests and values, both with the society and the community at large.

“We are confident that the firm’s collaborative approach will deliver a design that will speak to both functional improvements and the spirit of the building – its history and its place in the hearts and minds of Nelson’s citizens,” Mint said.

The Nelson Civic Theatre Society was formed in 2012 and soon began to modernize the theatre and to develop wide ranging community programs.

By 2014 they had presented the community with the first concept drawings for a three theatre “cultural media arts centre” for the Heritage City.

The conversion would provide long term financial, cultural, and community benefits. With this current agreement the Society is now preparing the groundwork for that redevelopment.

NCTS continues to work with potential partners to secure full construction funding and hopes to involve the local community later in the year.

An architect’s drawing of the new and improved Nelson Civic Theatre. — Submitted 

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