RDKB says: Please don't travel to secondary homes or cabins in the RDKB

April 6th, 2020

Many residents from BC and other provinces own cabins or secondary homes in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, including at Christina Lake, Big White and other tourist destinations in our region. The regional district has a simple message for anyone contemplating visiting or staying at a secondary home or cabin in the RDKB during this pandemic: Don’t.

“I want to be sure that we do everything we can as a local government to safeguard the capacity of our healthcare facilities, healthcare staff and our first responders to do the difficult jobs already in front of them. Plain and simple, if you own a cabin or secondary home in the RDKB and want to visit it or stay at it during this pandemic, please, not now. Not in the coming weeks. Stay home,” said Diane Langman, RDKB Board Chair.

“Anyone who travels right now risks exposing themselves to COVID-19 either while traveling or while visiting, and risks potentially spreading the novel coronavirus to others. Don’t do it.” said Mark Stephens, Director for the RDKB Emergency Operations Centre.

Stephens and his EOC team of fifteen have been working for the past three weeks to carry out advance planning and communications to support lead agencies including the Interior Health Authority and to working with other local government staff to keep RDKB essential services running.

“I would emphasize to any potential travelers or visitors that you are better served by remaining in your own communities where your health care services are designed to meet your needs as a full-time resident, especially in larger municipalities,” said Stephens.

“We are looking forward to the day, and I hope this comes soon, when we can invite everyone back to our beautiful region to enjoy themselves with their families. That time will come, but not now. Now is the time to stay home,” said Langman.

This post was syndicated from https://rosslandtelegraph.com
Categories: GeneralHealthIssues

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