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RDCK removes material restrictions at some waste facilities

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 25th, 2020

The Regional District of Central Kootenay said in a media release Friday that measures in place due to COVID-19 pandemic will be removed at waste facilities with weigh scales by end of April with the remainder of facilities to follow in May.

These measures were implemented to protect site users and staff while increasing services to all residents.

Effective immediately, Ootischenia landfill and Grohman Narrows transfer station have returned to accepting payment and all material types. 

The transfer station at Balfour will change-over April 25th with Creston and Nakusp landfills and the Central (Salmo) transfer station to follow near end of the month.

“Safety of our front line staff and the public is a top priority, so we appreciate your patience, kindness, and understanding as we implement new measures to restrict person-to-person contact,” said Uli Wolf, General Manager of Environmental Services. “Please prepare for longer lines and abide by all site rules to ensure the continued use of these facilities.”

The RDCK said all previously accepted materials including household garbage, furniture, yard & garden, construction and demolition waste, wood waste, and scrap metal will once again be accepted. 

The free yard & garden program is underway and will remain in place until the end of May across the district. Temporary measures restricting material types and volumes will remain at all non-scaled, volume-based waste facilities until later in May.

“We are happy to begin the transition back to more normal operations and meet the needs of our community” said Tom Newell, RDCK Area F Director.  “The RDCK is working hard to ensure our entire community is safe as we adjust to this ever-changing landscape. We look forward to expanding residential and commercial services in a safe and kind manner.”

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