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Open House delivers community feedback regarding High Street Bike Project

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 6th, 2020

Hume School gymnasium was a beehive of activity Thursday evening as citizens of Nelson flocked to the local elementary school to present options to the community and gather feedback for the proposed first phase of the primary bike route through High Street and Third Street in Fairview.

City staff from Development Services, including Director of Development Services Pam Mierau, City Planner Alex Thumm and Senior Planner Sebastien Arcand, were present to answer questions and listen to concerns from the public during the open house.

The first phase is to create a bike route from downtown Nelson along High Street and onto Third Street was brought forth in 2019 as part of the Active Transportation Implementation Plan adopted by council.

Through that process it was determined that High Street and Third Street were the first phase of the project, providing a link between Fairview and the downtown, and would also provide a connection to Lakeside Park.

Those routes would improve the safety and comfort for people walking and cycling between Fairview and the downtown.

The city has submitted an application for the BC Active Transportation Grant, which could potentially cover up to 70 per cent of the project costs.

Staff now will prepare a final report will be presented to city council to provide a summary of the community consultation and results from the grant application, at which time council could opt to move ahead with the project for 2020.

The Open House featured design concepts for the public to view.

There was a steady stream of people during the two-plus hour Open House.

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