By Contributor
March 21st, 2020

Submitted by City of Nelson

The Provincial Government has provided a COVID-19 update to the residents of BC.

This update states that all “personal service” establishments such as spas, salons, massage services and tattoo shops are to close, if they haven’t already done so. The government also reiterated that restaurants are to stop providing sit-in dining service and move to a delivery and take-out model only.

“All Nelson restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, bakeries and such, must now have moved to a delivery or take-out model.” said Len MacCharles, Director of Nelson Emergency Management. “And it goes without saying at this point, that businesses and patrons need to maintain social distancing and conduct frequent hand washing – we all need to do our part.”

For safe food handling, see the BC Centre for Disease Control for more information for food businesses.

Saturday, To date, the total number of cases in the British Columbia is 424 with 74 new cases. The Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry has indicated there are 27 cases in total in the Interior Health region.  At this time, Interior Health has not provided the Nelson Emergency Operation Centre with any information regarding possible confirmed cases in our local area.  

Please note the following operational updates:

Public Works:

The City of Nelson has closed off playground and exercise equipment and has placed signs at all City Parks with the following messaging:

  • The City of Nelson does not disinfect playground, exercise or park equipment (including tables and benches). 
  • Always maintain a social distance of at least 2 metres. *This includes children.
  • Please avoid high touch areas such as benches, rails and gates.
  • Users assume any and all risk of park equipment use.

Many people in our community have travelled or they (or their family members) will be returning. It is critical that you follow the requirements of the BC Public Health Officer. Currently, information supports that approximately 90% of all confirmed cases are a result of travel outside of Canada.

To help provide important information to our community, the City of Nelson has developed a dedicated webpage that will be updated frequently as new information becomes available.  Please sign-up for ‘City News’ on NotifyMe to receive automatic updates from the City via text or email.

The City of Nelson relies on Interior Health, BC Public Health, and the Federal Government for information related to the virus itself. If you believe you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, please contact your physician, or call the COVID-19 telephone line at 1-888-COVID19, to be assessed or call the testing clinic hotline at (250) 551-7500 to be triaged for testing.   

Symptoms of COVID-19 include coughing, fever, sore throat, and difficulty breathing. These symptoms may not present themselves for up to 14 days, but you may be a carrier of the virus; therefore it is important to follow the guidelines set out by the health experts.  

The City of Nelson thanks citizens for doing your part to help maintain a safe and healthy community and for understanding the importance of this evolving situation.

Categories: GeneralHealth

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