RDCK announces new Regional Fire Chief

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
December 11th, 2019

The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) has found its new Regional Fire Chief.

Acting Deputy Regional Fire Chief Nora Hannon was recently promoted to the Regional Chiefs’ role by the RDCK said a media release Tuesday.

“I am honoured to serve the people and communities of the RDCK as Regional Fire Chief, and I am excited to support and work with an exceptional team of firefighters,” said Chief Hannon, the the acting Deputy Regional Fire Chief since June.

Chief Hannon previously served in the RDCK Fire Service as a District Fire Chief and as the Balfour Harrop Fire Chief. She has also played key roles in the Emergency Program and Wildfire Mitigation with the RDCK.

 “I’d like to recognize all RDCK Fire Chiefs and volunteer firefighters for their dedication and commitment,” Chief Hannon said. “Together, we provide a service that communities can rely on and be proud of.”

 A Kootenay resident for the past 12 years, Chief Hannon originally hails from Salt Spring Island. She currently resides with her family near Balfour.

Among Chief Hannon’s priorities as she steps into this role is supporting Fire Chiefs and Training Officers with fulfilling their fire department’s compliance with the BC Office of the Fire Commissioner Structure Competency Playbook. 

“I am very pleased that Chief Hannon has taken on the role as our new Regional Fire Chief,” said Stuart Horn, Chief Administrative Officer for the RDCK. “I look forward to working with her as she leads our firefighters in continuing to serve our communities with professionalism.”

The RDCK Fire Service includes 17 Fire Departments and responds to an average of 1,450 incidents annually.

For inquiries about volunteering as a firefighter or the RDCK Fire Service please visit www.rdck.ca/join-us or call 250-352-1570.

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