Mayor Kathy Moore's letter to Minister Heyman about Jumbo

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
August 14th, 2019

August 12, 2019

Dear Minister Heyman,

On behalf of the City of Rossland’s council, I am writing to you to express our support for dissolving the Jumbo Glacier Resort Municipality. The recent Court of Appeals ruling stating that no significant progress has been made on the development has given the Province a golden opportunity to re-assess the project and make some common-sense decisions.

The development of the Jumbo Glacier Resort is a bad idea on so many levels:

  1. Since this project was first proposed, decades ago, the science of climate change has become more sophisticated and dramatic environmental impacts, are projected, especially in Canada. A resort predicated on the existence of a shrinking glacier is short-sighted and environmentally ruinous.
  2. This area of pristine wilderness is home to many species. There is no justifiable reason to negatively impact habitat and one of the few intact wildlife corridors for creatures such as the iconic grizzly bear. The area is far more valuable left in its natural state.
  3. From an economic standpoint, there is no need for another resort in British Columbia. The numerous and wonderful resorts that already exist, struggle to remain sustainable in a world of harsh competition for every tourist dollar available. Jumbo would dilute this already crowded market.
  4. The creation of a municipality, with an unelected mayor and council, with no residents and receiving provincial funds is undemocratic and just wrong. It is not a wise or beneficial use of taxpayer money to support a non-existent municipal entity.
  5. Finally, and very importantly, Rossland supports the Qat’muk Declaration. We believe the Ktunaxa Nation is best suited to manage and provide environmental stewardship in perpetuity of the area, as defined in the declaration.

Thank you for listening to our concerns and we are confident that you will make the right decision for our province.

Best regards,

Mayor Kathy Moore

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