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New policy clarifies e-bike use on designated recreation trails

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 28th, 2019

Given the increasing popularity of electric bikes, a new policy has been developed for the safe, appropriate use of electric bikes on designated trails managed by Recreation Sites and Trails BC the BC Government said in recent a media release.

“Electric bikes are a class of transportation/recreational bicycle that use an electric motor to either assist with propulsion or fully propel the rider,” the release said.

“Users range from those looking to access more difficult and elevated trails, to people with disabilities who may not otherwise be able to access recreational trails.”

The government release said there are Recreation Sites and Trails BC manages approximately 600 trails on provincial public land in B.C. Unless otherwise restricted, electric bike use on recreation trails is a permitted activity.

Any decision by a district recreation officer to restrict or prohibit a class of electric bike will be based on considerations of safety, environmental impact and user experience, and will normally result from an engagement process with interested stakeholders.

“Recreation Sites and Trails BC will evaluate and review implementation of the policy in collaboration with stakeholders and user groups and make adjustments as necessary,” the release said.

“The policy only applies to established trails managed by Recreation Sites and Trails BC and does not apply to trails managed by BC Parks or vacant provincial public land, local governments or trails on private land. Electric bikes may be still restricted outside of this policy under regulations or local bylaws.”

The policy is available online

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