Women's Squash Week to Hit Nelson

By Contributor
September 13th, 2018

The back to school period in September has long held the distinction of being the most time crunched period of the year even surpassing the Christmas time madness according to industry experts the International Council of Shopping Centres (ICSC).

No one experiences the time crunch more than the female of the household. Women, more than their male counterparts are considered the captains of keeping things in order and the official gatekeeper of the health of the family – a position that often tends to trump their own fitness routine.  

Squash BC (SQBC) in partnership with the Nelson Squash Clubhas a solution for this in the:

  • Nelson Squash Club Women’s Squash Week Event
  • Monday, October 1 @ 6-9 p.m., 330 Baker Street

Women’s Squash Week is designed to turn on British Columbia women to the sport of squash.  The week-long event promotes social play and inspires women to reconnect on the court and off. The designated region-wide promotional week is focused to heightening awareness and encouraging trial of the sport through a host of activities at participating clubs in BC.

The Nelson arm will prove to be a real showcase to get women in the game with a FREE women-only squash and social event at the Nelson Squash and Social Club. 

The ladies only event will feature a free-drop in, introduction to squash, and a complementary beverage.

This will be a great opportunity to meet other players, learn the rules, learn about upcoming women’s squash events and get in the game.

REGISTER for this event before September 27th@ [email protected].

For more information:

Nelson contact:Rebecca Vassilakakis (250) 513-0403 [email protected]


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